Kami Rita Sherpa: Kami Rita Sherpa, who broke her own record for the most times to reach Mount Everest



Nepal's famous mountaineer Kami Rita Sherpa on Sunday climbed the world's highest peak, Mount Everest, for the 29th time.  He thus made history by breaking his own record for the most times climbed Everest.
According to Rakesh Gurung, director of the tourism department at the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation, the veteran climber Sherpa, 54, reached the 8,849-metre peak at 7.25 am local time on Sunday.
The climbing event was organized by Seven Summit Treks of Nepal and 20 climbers participated.
 “At least 20 Seven Summit Treks climbers, including Kami, successfully completed the ascent of Mount Everest on Sunday morning,” Seven Summit Treks said in a statement.  The climbing team consisted of 13 climbers from Nepal and the rest from the United States, Canada and Kazakhstan.

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