Cannes Film Festival: The Cannes Festival will host 'Bharat Parva'


India is set to host a 'Bharat Parv' at the 77th Cannes Film Festival for eminent dignitaries and delegates from around the world to showcase the myriad creative opportunities in the country At the prestigious film gala, a delegation consisting of representatives from central and state governments as well as members of the industry will showcase India's creative economy in Marche du Films through a series of significant initiatives, the Information and Broadcasting ministry said on Friday.

It will be for the first time that the country will host a Bharat Parv at the Cannes Film Festival to engage with film celebrities, filmmakers,directors, producers, buyers and sales agents from across the world and showcase the creative opportunities and a rich bank of creative talent. The official poster and trailer of the 55th India International Film Festival (IFFI), to be held in Goa on November 20 to 28, will also be unveiled at the Bharat Parv, the release stated.

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