International Labor Day 2024: Today is International Labor Day


Labor Day is celebrated all over the world on May 1 every year.  This day is also known as May Day, Labor Day, Labor Day.  These days are associated with talking about workers’ rights, justice and working conditions, knowing the difficulties and making improvements.  In fact, this is how the day began, when in the year 1886, workers agitated over working hours.  In those days, workers were forced to work 15 hours each.
 In the year 1886, there was a riot in the Haymarket of Chicago and it caused the 15-hour working shift, which was killing the workers.  Millions of people took to the streets on this day demanding that their working hours be reduced to 8 hours, as well as one holiday a week.  Clashes broke out between workers and police during the strike, killing several workers, including policemen.  Again, on May 1, 1889, a meeting was held and it was decided to observe this day as Labor Day.
 Every year Labor Day has a special theme, this year the theme is ensuring workplace safety and health amidst climate change.

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