Abby Choi Killing: Hong Kong model murdered and body kept in refrigerator, father-in-law plotted murder



International Desk:

A Hong Kong model has been arrested after her ex-husband died.  Police have recovered the model's body pieces which surprised everyone.  The role of the model's ex-father-in-law with the ex-husband is also highly questionable.  It is speculated that the ex-father-in-law is the mastermind behind the murder of the model.  The model has been identified as Abby Choi.
Police said parts of the model's body were found inside a refrigerator in a rented house in Hong Kong.  Abby Choi was reportedly an extremely popular model in Hong Kong.  In a short time, Abby gained popularity.  At just 28, Abby was a young and fast-rising model.  She appeared on the cover of Monaco magazine this month.
 Superintendent of Police Alan Chung told the media that it was shocking to find a woman's body inside the refrigerator.  He said Choi's ex-husband's father, mother and older brother had been arrested and would be charged with murder.  The search for her ex-husband continues.  According to reports, police found the model's body in a house in Lung Mei.

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