Legendary footballer Pele died, breathed his last at the age of 82



International Desk:
Legendary footballer Pele has passed away.  His family has given information to the news agency AFP.  Pele breathed his last at the age of 82.  Edson Arantes do Nascimento (Pele) is the only player to win the World Cup three times, having won the sport's most prestigious trophy, the FIFA World Cup, in 1958, 1962 and 1970.
Pele's daughter Kelly Cristina Nascimento shared a picture on Instagram after her father's death.  In this picture, the people of Pele's family are seen giving their last farewell.
Pele was admitted to the Albert Einstein Hospital in Sao Paulo on 29 November last month for treatment of a respiratory infection and chemotherapy.  In recent years, he had faced several health problems including his spine, hip, knee and kidney.

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