America: The world's first Robot Lawyer will argue in the court, will also give arguments, know how it will work



Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is rapidly making its reach to things related to common life.  Imagine that a case has to be fought in the court and the robot is giving arguments.  This fantasy has come true.  The world's first 'robot lawyer' powered by AI technology has been made in America.  At present, it will give legal advice in cases related to over speeding.  US-based startup DoNotPay has created it.  It will argue in the US court from February next month.
Joshua Brower, founder and CEO of DoNotPay, says that the law is almost a mixture of code and language, so AI can be used perfectly in it.
This will be the first time that an AI-based robot will argue in a real courtroom as a lawyer.  The company claims that their robot runs on a smartphone, which after listening to the court proceedings, will instruct the defendants how to respond via an earpiece.  He will tell how to avoid paying fines and other penalties.

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