Chandrayaan-3 Fourth Moon Orbit Maneuver: Chandrayaan reached the fourth orbit of the moon... now 177 KM left


ISRO has reached Chandrayaan-3 in the fourth orbit of the moon.  The Chandrayaan is now orbiting in an almost circular orbit of 150 km x 177 km.  ISRO had turned on the thrusters of Chandrayaan-3 at around 12.30 am on August  The engines were on for about 18 minutes.
 On August 5, Chandrayaan-3 reached its first orbit of the moon.  Since then, its orbit has been changed twice.  On the same day, Chandrayaan released the first images of the moon.  At that time, the Chandrayaan was traveling around the Moon in an oval orbit of 164 x 18074 KM at a speed of 1900 km per second.  It was reduced to an orbit of 170 x 4313 km on 6 August . In other words, it was placed in the second orbit of the Moon.
 This was followed by a third orbit change on 9 August.  It was then orbiting the Moon in an orbit of 174 km x 1437 km.  ISRO is retrofiring the engines of Chandrayaan-3 in lunar orbit.  That is, driving the vehicle in the opposite direction to slow down the speed.  Then, on August 16, between 8:38 am and 8:39 am, the fifth grade will be changed.  That is, its engines will be turned on for just one minute.
 On August 17, the propulsion and lander modules of Chandrayaan-3 will be separated.  On the same day, both modules will be in a 100 km x 100 km circular orbit around the Moon.  The lander module will be deorbited between 4.30 pm and 4 pm on August  That is, its orbital height will be reduced.
 The lander module of Chandrayaan-3 will be deorbited at 2.30 pm on August20.  On August 23, the lander will land near the moon's south pole.  If all goes well, the lander will land on the moon around 6:30 p.m.

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