UAE launches 10-year Blue Residency visa


World news:
The United Arab Emirates has launched the Blue Residency Visa program after the UAE 10 Golden Visa and Green Visa.  Under this visa program, a select few will be able to stay in the UAE uninterrupted for 10 years.  This visa program will provide 10 years of long-term residence as well as other benefits.
The visa was announced by Dubai Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid.  He said in a post on social media account X, “ The year 2024 will be the year of stability.  Today we approved the "Blue Residency Visa," which will be granted to individuals with exceptional contributions and efforts in the field of protecting the environment or contributing to sustainability and the latest technology, the recycling economy, or other fields.  This visa will allow you to stay for a period of 10 years.  "The stability of our economy is linked to the stability of our environment and our national directions in this area are clear and consistent."

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