Preparations are underway to make Mumbai the most powerful military station in the country


There are plans to make Mumbai the most powerful military base in the country. For the first time, there are plans to build a Tri-Service Common Defence Station in the country's financial capital. That means, there will be common stations for the Army, Air Force and Navy in Mumbai. There is a possibility that this station will be ready before the Integrated Theatre Command.
A joint station of the three armies will be built in Mumbai. A decision regarding this can be taken soon. Till now there is not a single common defense station in the country. Only Andaman and Nicobar has a command of the three armies, which was built in 2001.
The Tri-Service Defense Station being built in Mumbai is being built to establish better coordination between the three forces. There will be logistic support for the three forces here. Infrastructure will be developed. There will be repair facilities. Maintenance arrangements will be made.


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